Friday, December 28, 2012

Garden Lights!

The Atlanta Botanical Gardens was shining brightly this year.  We took the time to go visit the gardens at night and bought tickets to their Christmas light display.  We were unable to go until right before Christmas so it was packed but it did not disappoint.  Each area of the garden was decorated with different kinds of lights.  The canopy walk was flanked on either side by enormous tree trunks wrapped in colored lights including one candy cane striped tree.  The fountain below the canopy walk was all blue and white twinkle lights.  There was a model train area with several trains and tracks which brought out the children inside each of us.  The main walkway had beautiful blue trees on either side which led to main courtyard area which was my favorite part.  In the large opening they had what they called orchestral orbs which changed colors with the music.  It was like the lights were dancing perfectly timed choreography.  The conservatory had been transformed into something other worldly. It was completely dark inside and small green lights flickered all over the conservatory.  The ethereal lights were complemented by the sound of tropical frogs singing.  It was a little disorienting but was an unforgettable experience, if only my camera could have captured the experience as vividly as my memory.  They also added a few holiday touches to the Orchid house which was as beautiful as always!

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