Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Lift is a men’s performance company started by an Atlanta teacher and choreographer.  The company was founded and is run based on the pillars of manhood.  This year the performance centered on masculinity, each choreographer used their piece to reflect their view on this theme.  There were times where I felt myself judging their approach, my preconceptions about masculinity and what it means to me were trying to overwhelm my perception of the piece.  Thankfully I caught myself and quickly moved from prejudgment to analyzing their interpretation and appreciating the similarities and differences between my own thoughts.  Several choreographers used their pieces to make a statement not only about masculinity but also about politics or society.  I really appreciated the relevance and profoundness of these connections.  One of my favorite pieces was a trio combined with spoken word.  It showed the journey in African American culture of moving from slavery through a period of freedom and now incarceration.  It was challenging the current view that being masculine means making poor choices and buying into the lifestyle described in movies and rap music.  It was a powerful concept and was extremely well executed.  This performance was more than just dance and I greatly enjoyed it!  

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