Thursday, January 13, 2011

The Salvador Dali Exhibit @ the Atlanta High Museum

I am having a hard time deciding where to start with this one.  This exhibit was brilliant.  It primarily covered the late career of Salvador Dali as well as portrait photography series.  I have seen his artwork before on the internet and in textbooks but it was amazing to see his work in person.   

There is something about his work that simultaneously fascinating and completely unsettling.  I kept thinking what it must be like to see the world through his eyes.  He could see and create these intricate and often dark and surreal pictures just by using compilations of everyday people and objects.  One of my favorite was the Debris of an Automobile Giving Birth to a Blind Horse Biting a Telephone.

The piece that really moved me was Christ of Saint John at the Cross.  The first thing that struck me was the magnitude of the size of the piece; it covered the majority of one of walls and the size really allowed the viewer to admire the details of the piece.   It shows Christ on the cross but without the nails in His hands and feet.  To me this symbolized that he was held there not by the men who crucified Him but by his own conviction and passion.  It stirred up a lot of emotion and really an impression on me.

I also really enjoyed seeing the pieces where his wife was the muse.  He was so inspired by her and I found it incredibly endearing.  My favorite was the Madonna of Port Lligat.  In this piece he uses her physical image to represent the Virgin Mary. I asked Kyle why he has never painted a picture of me and he sighed and asked me why his poetry wasn’t enough

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