Tuesday, February 1, 2011

My Mantra for 2011 - Be Deliberate

de·lib·er·ate (d -l b r- t)  adj.
1. Done with or marked by full consciousness of the nature and effects; intentional:
I have a mantra for 2011 and that is to be deliberate.  I am not into resolutions but I reflected on this word the other day and was really inspired.  Any goal you want to reach can be achieved by being deliberate.  I think our society, me included, spends way too much time blaming others for our shortcomings or looking for excuses.  Or we avoid decisions and then wonder why we are discontent with our lives.  Starting this year I will take accountability for my decisions, both the small and big ones and in turn the impact that they have on my life.  I will succeed and in the times when I stumble I will use it to learn and grow.  Being deliberate is not an easy task but I plan to succeed by cycling through 5 stages:
A)     Take inventory of myself and my personal areas of strengths and weaknesses.
B)      Evaluate my decision making skills in a wide range of situations. 
C)      Acknowledge that I will make incorrect choices at times and conquer my fear of making the wrong decision. 
D)     Make intentional decisions and remember that the lack of action/decision is a decision in itself.
E)      Take accountability for my decisions and for my happiness.
F)      Repeat

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