Friday, April 22, 2011


We are currently in a series on pride with our high school students.  I think it is a particularly relevant topic in our society because we are always in a constant state or too much or not enough pride.  There is a big difference between good and bad pride and I think that is where we miss the mark.  It is perfectly acceptable to have pride in good acts or have pride in your friends and family.  It is the bad pride that gets people of all ages.  The issue is when it crosses the line from pride in yourself or the people around you to judgment.  The second we take our pride and use it as a way to judge others then we have crossed into the danger zone.
One of the lessons during the series was about being a better listener.  Think about what a different and better world it would be if we were all better listeners.  It would almost eliminate gossip and prejudice.  What if we all put more effort into giving people the benefit of the doubt and talking to one other to uncover truth instead of projecting judgment on others?  I would love to live in that world! 
In thinking through all this I thought about all the static and barriers just within my own mind.  It is easy to see how pride has gotten so out of control in our society and our individual lives.  I do not expect to be able to end my struggle with pride or lack of pride in some situations but I do plan to spend more time on becoming a better listener.  I think it is a huge step in the right direction.   

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