Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Do BigStuf

Last week was a really amazing week.  I wish I would have had my computer so I could have posted daily but instead I’ll use this post to recap the week at BigStuf in PCB.  Kyle and I, along with 5 other brave adults, loaded up 5 vans full of teenagers and headed down to Florida.  We had a total of 51 people across 5 grade levels (next year’s 9-12 graders and the college bound students).  The speakers did a very good job focusing on how connected the whole world is and now we no longer have the same barriers we used to.  Technology has made connections instant and with that is an immense power to more rapidly change the world.  We had the ability to send and receive letters and pictures from students in Kenya.  It was pretty incredible to have such quick access to people halfway across the world.  The students there are so full of life, love, and hope even though they have very few possessions and a very small chance of completing their education and thriving in their country.  It is always such an eye opening and broadening experience to get to know someone from another culture.  A lot of the kids donated money to help provide water and textbooks for those students in Kenya.  It was such a pleasant change to see them adjust their perspective and put the needs of others first even if only briefly.  It was inspiring to see what the high school students were doing with their limited amount of resources and it challenged my thinking on how I handle giving back. 
Each day there was a breakout session for the leaders.  I found these to be very helpful and interesting.  The main focus this year was on how we need to say less more often so people know what really matters.  The point was that producing high school graduates who are biblically very proficient does not guarantee that they have a strong relational foundation with God.  Reggie talked about how we try and throw too much at students in ministry and how we should narrow our focus to the most important principles and consistently reinforce them in new and creative ways.  I wholeheartedly agree with this concept.  He focused on 3 main areas of emphasis.  The first was “wonder” which is related to being marveled and inspired by God, His creation, and His love for us.  The second is “discovery” which is developing an understanding of yourself and the relationship that God desires to have with you.  The third is “passion” which is about developing a worldview and helping others. 
We had a great time at the beach and during worship with the students and I think God is going to use them in some pretty amazing ways.  I hope the energy level and closeness we all felt at camp continues to burn just as brightly now that we are home.  Here is one of our group pictures from the trip.

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