Tuesday, January 3, 2012

2012 Resolutions

So I think we all know resolutions can be silly because generally it invigorates us for only a few short weeks and then they fizzle out and we return to our terrible habits.  Even knowing this Kyle and I have a few resolutions for 2012.  The first of which is good because it’s a change we make once during our motivated phase and it is semi-permanent.  We are getting rid of cable TV.  We have become sadly addicted to mindless shows and spend way too much time parked on our couch in front of our TV.  This will be a major adjustment at first but once we get used to it I think we will be a lot more productive and spend a lot more quality time together.  I know I can handle it because I grew up without cable and I spent a lot more time reading, exercising, and talking to friends/family.   It also will be nice to save $60 a month! 
The second is to focus on being healthier by improving our diet and exercise.  This one is cliché and everyone sets this goal but I honestly hope that we stick to our guns and see it through.  Wish us luck!

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