Sunday, November 17, 2013

The ones we love

I had a hard time deciding whether to write this post.  This week was a tough one for me.  I have worked really hard to focus on the relationships and friendships that matter the most to me.  It has been the best part of my mid to late twenties.  I have such a better perspective on what matters.  This has meant that I have less friends but the quality of the friendships is infinitely better.  I love these dear friends deeply and would do anything for them.  On Monday I got a tough call, my best friend who is expecting her first baby saw a specialist and her pregnancy has been determined to be high risk due to placental deficiency.  They are closely monitoring her and the baby but she will spend the rest of her pregnancy on bed rest and if that doesn’t go well they will deliver her baby early. 

It broke my heart into a million pieces to hear her crying on the phone.  It made me feel so helpless that I couldn’t do anything for her during such a difficult time.  The same night I got a call and found out her husband was traveling the next weekend as well her mom and they asked if I could come keep her company.  I jumped at the chance to help however I could.  I prayed all week for healing and strength for my friend and her baby.  I also prayed for my strength that I would know what to do and say while I was there.  I knew she needed me to keep her still, keep her well fed, take care of their dog, etc. but beyond all that I knew I needed to try and cheer her up. 

I took a trip to Wal-Mart to get supplies and to keep myself busy.  I know presents don’t fix things but sometimes it’s nice to know someone thought of us and knew us well enough to know the type of things we would love.  I packed my suitcase full of girly movies, fashion magazines, pedicure supplies, crossword puzzles, a sleep mask, and comfy clothes for a weekend in.

I hugged her so hard when I saw her and we made the best of a tough situation.  We laughed and we cried and we talked about what all of this meant.  We talked about her fears and her excitement to meet to her little girl.  We talked about how much our lives had changed and how much we remained the same at the core of it all.  We talked about our dreams for our lives and we talked about how thankful we were for one another.  I introduced her to a ton of new shows to keep her glued to the couch.  Despite the awful circumstances it ended up being a really nice weekend together.    

As I head home I continue to pray for her and that precious baby girl.  I pray that God will help her keep a positive attitude and give her resolve to follow the doctors’ order even as she gets restless.  I pray for the baby to be strengthened in the coming weeks and that she will be born a healthy baby girl.  I absolutely cannot wait to meet her!  I believe firmly in the power prayer and since I don’t have anything else I can do I will be praying fervently for them.  I know that God reveals himself in tough times and that he can see them safely to the other side of this.  

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