Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Scorch Trials

I am a binge reader so I am either devouring books left and right or going a month or two without so much as picking up a book.  I really loved the first book in the series which was called the Maze Runner (I blogged about it a while ago) but true to my style it took me a month or two to pick up the sequel.  Now that I finally got around to it I was not disappointed at all.  It kept me on the edge of my seat and reading frantically just to find out what was next.  I stayed up until 12:30 AM last night to finish it which is several hours past my bedtime but I just had to know what happened.  At times I got frustrated by the constant peril because you just really want these poor kids to catch a break but I understand why it was so relentless.  James Dashner has a wonderful writing style and does a very good job depicting both the male and female characters.    My one qualm with young adult literature is that most authors can only meaningfully portray the emotions of one gender.  I had crazy dreams last night as a result of the book but I thoroughly enjoyed it.  I would recommend the series to anyone who wants a quick read that tries to question what is humane and necessary when the world is in a wide scale disaster.  I am anxiously awaiting the third and final book which is set to come out in October of this year.  I am rooting for Thomas as he enters this third and final book.  I am also remembering why I like to get into a series after all the books have been published, waiting is agony.      

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