Monday, September 23, 2013

Times they are a changing. . .

I have moments when how much I've grown up over the last few years alarms me a little but in general I absolutely love my life exactly as it is now.  I hope that I continue to feel this way at each new stage in my life.  I've had a few “a-ha” moments in the last few weeks that really show how much I have grown up and settled down since I started the back end of my 20’s. 

My favorite moment was enjoying girl’s night with my friend Stephanie and her absolutely adorable little girl Emilee.  Stephanie and I danced together as part of Georgettes and Pamoja.  We also lived together for a year at college.  She is part of a lot of my favorite memories of Georgettes and going to school at UGA in Athens.  We have always had fun when we were together.  This past Friday I drove to Athens to spend the evening with her: we picked her daughter up from daycare, ate at Panera, and then hung out at their house and played games.  It also included a small fashion show and Emilee dancing for us.  It was a very different evening from our nights out in the past but it was so much fun and it was so special.  I think getting older for me has meant that I appreciate the little things a lot more and don’t need big flashy plans to appreciate the company I am with. 



At times I get nervous that so many of our friends are transitioning into the parenting stage of life and that we plan to be a few years behind them.  I worry that I won’t be able to relate to their experiences in the same way other parents would.  In some ways this is a valid concern but then I remind myself that we are not friends because our lives are the exact same, we are friends because we love one another and support one another.  I got married before several of my friends but it never hurt our friendship so I must trust that this will be the same way.  I try and remind myself that I will be thankful to have so many people to look to for advice and guidance when that time comes for us.  For now I will just enjoy spoiling and loving on their wonderful kids!

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